How to boost bioeconomy by building cross-sectoral value chains?

Date: 11.01.2024

We, as partners of BIOECO-UP project undertook no less than the realization of the dream of European strategists to make the continent climate neutral by 2050. The bioeconomy is a very important tool to counterbalance the negative effect of fossil-based economy which is responsible for climate change.

One of the biggest challenges of the concept implementation is to involve producers and actors of service sector in creation of bio-based value chains built on the new economic logic. This so-called bottom-up approach reflects the logic that changes can be achieved by applying market logic instead of too strong or too much state intervention. Supporting viable businesses producing bio-based products is a possible solution to set the corporate world in motion.

Many Central European businesses are struggling to build cross-border and cross sectoral value chains. Most of the companies are familiar with reaching domestic consumers, but entering foreign markets exceeds their capabilities. The BIOECO-UP project provides support the innovative entrepreneurs or start-ups in developing and testing procedure for transnational bioeconomy cross-sector cooperation by pilot cases that improve market up-take of bio-based solutions and integration into mainstream supply value chains.

How to achive this goal?

As a first step, we are mapping the existing structures and market players. This activity will increase the knowledge about the current stakeholders, the up-to-date and cutting-edge bio-based innovations and bio-industry capacities.

As a second step the participants wish to promote inter-sectoral cooperation between for example agriculture and industrial biotechnology or organic waste-management and energy sector. Procedure will be tested step-by-step how to design new business combinations.

For the third transnational co-creation workshops, matchmaking events, B2B events, product fairs and forums will be organized for value-chains design and understanding potential bioeconomy stakeholders’ motivation. 

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