Date: 07.02.2024

Measures addressing a sustainable and/or circular bioeconomy are not limited to bioeconomy action plans, they may also be defined in other policy frameworks. In the BIOECO-UP project, we organised an online workshop on 1 February 2024 titled „How to support a sustainable and/or circular bioeconomy through policy”. In this workshop, we looked at the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) as an example for a framework that may accommodate bioeconomy measures. Our goal was to facilitate an exchange of information and experiences on the development, implementation and financing of bioeconomy measures within the CAP.

Following the welcome address by Barna Kovács (BIOEAST initiative), presentations were given by: Robert M’Barek (Joint Research Centre Seville, European Commission) on a „Bioeconomy overview in the EU with focus on CEE”, Davide Viaggi (University of Bologna, IT) on „Relationships between the CAP and the Bioeconomy Strategy in Italy” and Georg Rappold (Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Regions and Water Management, AT) on “The CAP and the bioeconomy in Austria – Practical examples and experiences”.

The panel was composed of experts with a focus on the CAP and the bioeconomy, more specifically by (alphabetically sorted by country): Florian Kamleitner (Ecoplus Platform for Green Transformation and Bioeconomy, AT), Anita Sever-Koren (Ministry of Agriculture, HR), Viktor Nagy (Ministry of Agriculture, HU), Davide Viaggi (University of Bologna, IT), Jerzy Kozyra (Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation, PL), David Kadunc (Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food, SI), Daniel Ács (Union of Slovak Clusters, SK). They discussed topics such as: How does the CAP Strategic Plan of your country address the bioeconomy? What types of CAP interventions are related to the topic of bioeconomy? What types of calls is your country considering (e.g. supporting cooperation, innovation or investment)? Who would be the target groups/beneficiaries of these calls?

The project team will discuss insights from this workshop in the subsequent steps of BIOECO-UP work package 3 which aims to support the mainstreaming of bioeconomy policy measures in Central Europe.

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