Hungarian mayors get familiar with the JETforCE project and the Digital Challenge Mapping Tool
Hungarian mayors get familiar with the JETforCE project and the Digital Challenge Mapping Tool

Bükk-Area LEADER Association Hosts JETforCE Project Info Session for Municipal Leaders

Date: 20.05.2024
By: JETforCE

The General Assembly meeting of the Bükk-Area LEADER Association featured a significant information session on the JETforCE project and its new climate protection app. Held in Bükkábrány on 16th May 2024, the session was attended by 17 municipal leaders who were briefed on the app’s functionalities and potential benefits.

Following the presentation, municipal leaders engaged in a discussion where they were asked key questions about the app’s practical application. The queries included:

  • How could municipalities and organizations utilize the climate app?
  • Would they be willing to manage the community climate challenge platform after the project concludes and monitor the progress of individual challenges reported, potentially involving climate change or energy officers?
  • What incentives could be incorporated to encourage public engagement with the digital tool?

The municipal leaders are expected to submit their written responses and suggestions for further app development within the next week.

The session also featured presentations on related themes such as energy poverty, covered by the Renoverty Project, and energy modernization in rural housing, providing technical insights on renovation.

This event not only marked the public launch of the JETforCE Local Challenges Mapping Tool but also advanced local awareness-raising efforts among key decision-makers. The initiative underscores the importance of involving municipal leaders in the push for a just transition to sustainable energy practices.