DIGIVITALITY Feasibility Validation Programme Started!

Date: 20.05.2024

The DIGIVITALITY Programme aims to accelerate start-ups by providing a multi-dimensional feasibility validation process. This unique programme enhances the value proposition of the selected top startups by incorporating early health technology assessment (eHTA). An open call for startups attracted more than 50 applications. Following the initial evaluation by the DIGIVITALITY consortium, the top 20 startups were invited to advance to the next stage: the Pitching Competition. During this event, the 20 best startups pitched their solutions, products, and needs to a panel of hospital and Med-tech partners. The second stage evaluation was primarily conducted by hospital and Med-tech partners, resulting in the selection of the 8 best-fitting startups to enter the DIGIVITALITY Programme.

DIGIVITALITY Programme was kicked off on the 14th of May, with the participation of eight selected startups and the DIGIVITALITY project consortium. This marked the beginning of an exciting journey of innovation and collaboration.

What to Expect

The next phase will involve matchmaking between hospitals and start-ups, culminating in each hospital partnering with two start-ups. The programme includes a comprehensive eHTA validation process, which includes

  • A series of webinars

  • Individual startup coaching: 11 one-hour sessions per startup with InnoHubs

  • Personalized development and validation plans

  • Workshops and mentoring, including:

    • 3 expert webinars

    • Up to 5 mentoring sessions

    • Ad-hoc mentoring with experts based on specific needs

  • Visibility and growth opportunities:

    • Final Demo Day in May/June 2025

    • Promotion within our network of industry experts and investors

The entire programme will culminate in a Final Demo Day in May/June 2025 in Prague, Czech Republic. This event will showcase the progress and achievements of the participating startups. It will be an excellent opportunity for the startups to present their validated solutions to a wider audience of industry experts, potential investors and key stakeholders. The Final Demo Day aims to provide visibility and growth opportunities by highlighting the journey and success stories of each startup involved in the DIGIVITALITY programme.

Support and guidance

Throughout the programme, startups will receive strategic business guidance from local innovation hubs who will act as mentors and supporters. Hospitals will share their experiences and insights through webinars, providing valuable feedback to the startups. In addition, medical and business mentors and investors will focus on specific issues and challenges, offering one-on-one meetings and strategic discussions.

The Startups and Hospitals

The eight innovative startups selected to enter the DIGIVITALITY programme, from the Central European region, are:

ZenZen AI-driven diabetes companion for personalized support.

VR Vitalis The innovative application is specially designed with the needs of professional rehabilitation departments in mind. It is a combination of traditional rehabilitation procedures with the unique possibilities of virtual reality.

U-CareMedical Empowering clinicians to deliver proactive care with clinical-AI, saving lives and reducing costs

Bindworks – Zuni All in one mobile solution for clinical photography, wounds management, and document acquisition.

PredictingHealth Transforming clinical decision making through personalised AI.

Biomedical Lab The PD-Watch, an acronym for Parkinson’s disease watch, is a medical device that provides information on patients’ motor states every minuteof every day wherever they are.

AutoCast Improving the treatment of diabetic foot patients.

REVital Developer of a hardware-agnostic remote patient monitoring solution.

Participating hospitals in the program include:

  • Charles University 1st Faculty of Medicine, Czechia

  • General Hospital Murska Sobota, Slovenia

  • University Hospital Martin, Slovakia

  • University of Debrecen, Hungary

We look forward to seeing the progress and achievements of these startups as they work with leading hospitals and mentors. The DIGIVITALITY programme promises to be a transformative experience that will drive innovation and growth in healthcare.

Stay tuned for more updates on our journey!