German Weather Service User Workshop – DWD Nutzerworkshop

Date: 23.04.2024
By: Clim4Cast

The workshop hosted by the German Weather Service Deutscher Wetterdienst aims for open exchange between users and developers of climate products in weather, seasonal, decadal forecasts, and regional projections. It covers current science, user-specific applications, and future perspectives.

During the 3 day user workshop the thematic block on climate products for agricultural and forestry sector was opened by the talk of Dr. Roland Baatz with the talk on the “Application of Seasonal Climate Forecasting in a Drought Early Warning System”. The presentation included crop yield forecasting methods to reproduce crop yield data with focus on drought and heat stress. During the event, results of the yield database and drought forecasting system were presented to the workshop participants. The discussion focused on uncertainty representation in drought, heat and crop yield forecasts.

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