
Cross border excursion

Date: 09.06.2024
By: ReCo

Under the banner of ReCo, the two project partners, BUND Naturschutz Hof and Amethyst, connected conservationists from Bavaria and the Czech Republic on Sunday, June 9, 2024, during a literally cross-border excursion through the habitat of the Marsh Fritillary along the “Südliche Regnitz” or “Rokytnice” and the “Zinnbach” or “Lužní potok,” where the freshwater pearl mussel also resides. At the freshwater pearl mussel breeding station Huschermühle, participants were able to learn a great deal about the life cycle of this endangered species and the cross-border efforts for its preservation through a tour conducted in both German and Czech. The enthusiasm among both young and old nature enthusiasts was equally overwhelming.