How a cupcake helps us to define what a Healthy Forest Region is.

Date: 25.06.2024

What is a Healthy Forest Region? What does it look like in practical reality? What needs to be fulfilled to become a Healthy Forest Region?

All these questions need concrete answers when we want to bring to life the idea of a region that especially cares for the health of its forests and, thereby, its people. That is why we set up a joint series of workshops in which each project partner imagined themselves to be the baker of a Healthy Forest Region.

  1. First, we asked ourselves which ingredients we need for a successful Healthy Forest Region: Healthy forests? A minimum number of people? An active civil society? What else?
  2. Second, each partner organization selected the ingredients it favored to have in a Healthy Forest Region and “baked” its individual HFR cupcake.
  3. Third, we discussed our different compositions, aka cupcakes, and developed one common composition of ingredients. This can be seen as a joint HFR cupcake that we, as an international, interdisciplinary consortium located in different regions, can all agree on.

Now, we are about to finish this process and agree on a set of definitions, binding criteria, and commitments that clarify what it means to become and be a Healthy Forest Region.

Stay tuned if you want to know more about our results and findings!

Photo by Cristina Matos-Albers at Unsplash