Sustainability: Companies at the Crossroads – Navigating the New EU Regulations

In Person
Location: Italy
Date: 13.06.2024

On June 13, 2024, COMET sponsored the hybrid event titled “Sustainability: Companies at the Crossroads,” organized by RESOLVE at the Infinite Area in Montebelluna, Treviso. This insightful gathering, aimed at both the general public and businesses, addressed the pivotal choices that companies face to remain eligible suppliers in the evolving landscape of sustainability requirements.

The primary aim of the event was to prepare businesses for the significant changes ahead, especially the impending requirement for large enterprises to produce Sustainability Reports by 2026. This involves collecting non-financial data, particularly environmental data, from their SME suppliers for the years 2024-2025. Through a series of discussions and presentations, the event provided a comprehensive roadmap to help companies adapt and thrive in this new regulatory environment.

One of the key sessions focused on the human aspect of sustainability reporting, emphasizing social responsibility, talent attraction, and gender equality certification as growth drivers. Edilfloor shared their experiences in integrating social sustainability into their business model, offering practical insights and inspiring examples.

The first session delved into methodologies such as Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) for measuring and reducing environmental impact, highlighting the competitive advantage of a reduced carbon footprint. Specific insights were provided for service-oriented companies, demonstrating how sustainability can be seamlessly integrated into various business models.

Entrepreneurs from Gruppo Martellozzo and DOpla shared their firsthand experiences and strategies in adopting sustainable practices. TeaPak provided practical examples from their energy efficiency initiatives, showcasing how reducing operational costs and enhancing competitiveness through low-consumption technologies and process optimization can be achieved.

Achievements of the Event

A significant highlight was the presentation of the SMART CIRCUIT project. This included an overview of the project, key outcomes such as the Industry Needs report, and over 120 success stories collected. The SMART CIRCUIT logo was prominently featured in the communication and dissemination materials shared with participants, reinforcing its impact and relevance.

For COMET, a major achievement was networking with companies already active in the circular economy domain. This networking is expected to foster collaborations and drive further advancements in sustainable practices.

This event marked the first of several meetings on ESG, sustainability, and the circular economy that COMET will support, even beyond the project’s duration, in collaboration with RESOLVE. These ongoing efforts aim to continue guiding companies through the complexities of new regulations, ensuring they not only comply but also benefit from sustainable business practices.