Summary of the TASK4ISI Project Kick-off Meeting in Krakow

Date: 04.07.2024
The TASK4ISI (Transnational Action to Advance Skills and Competences for Inclusive Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation) project officially launched with a successful kick-off meeting on June 24-25, 2024, at the Krakow University of Economics (KUE). This important event brought together project partners, stakeholders, and experts from across Europe to discuss the project’s objectives, methodologies, and anticipated outcomes. The meeting was opened by Prof. Paweł Lula, Vice Rector for Research at KUE, and Prof. Marek Ćwiklicki (project coordinator) and Dr. Magdalena Zajączkowska (project manager) presented the goals, work plan and work schedule. Jana Habjan Coudore, Programme Officer from the Interreg Central Europe Joint Secretariat, also participated in the kick-off meeting. In her speech, she emphasized the importance of the TASK4ISI project within the context of the broader Interreg Central Europe goals. Her remarks provided valuable insights into the strategic alignment of TASK4ISI with the overall objectives of the Interreg programme, reinforcing the project’s significance and the importance of collaborative efforts in achieving sustainable impact. The TASK4ISI project is a collaborative effort involving multiple partners from six countries, each with a significant role in achieving the project’s aims. The consortium includes: Poland: Krakow University of Economics (KUE), which leads the project and is responsible for activities related to, among others, the development of training programs for supported stakeholders. Austria: Centre for Social Innovation (ZSI), which contributes by partnering in the peer review process, evaluating regional Business Skills and Matchmaking Programmes. Croatia: Public Institution RERA for Coordination and Development of Split Dalmatia County (PI RERA S.D.), responsible for defining the TASK4ISI Joint Strategy Agenda and Local Action Plan Packages, and CEDRA Split, which will  ensure effective dissemination and stakeholder engagement. Germany: Culture Goes Europe e.V. (CGE) and Plattform e.V., both of which play crucial roles in various aspects of the project, including leading the pilot to test and validate the Business Skills Programme and the Business Matchmaking Programme. Hungary: Hungarian Economic Development Agency (MGFÜ), focusing on creating and running Inclusive and Sustainable Innovation Hubs (ISIHUBs), and IMPACT HUB, involved in establishing a Transnational Network of ISIHUBs (TNISIHUB). Italy: O.P.E.N. Network and Municipality of San Mauro Pascoli (MoSMP), contributing also to the piloting of the learning programmes. The meeting’s agenda was comprehensive, covering essential topics such as partner presentations to foster collaboration, detailed discussions on project management processes, and specific sessions dedicated to work packages focusing on the creation, integration, and enhancement of inclusive entrepreneurship frameworks. An Executive Action Plan session was also held to analyze and validate the main tasks and timelines discussed during the meeting. The TASK4ISI project, funded by the Interreg Central Europe Programme for 2021-2027, aims to foster inclusive entrepreneurship and social innovation across multiple countries through collaborative efforts and shared expertise. The kick-off meeting marked the beginning of a journey toward achieving these ambitious goals, setting a strong foundation for the project’s future activities.