The Regional workshops for mapping of barriers and opportunities for circular and digital construction_SLOVAKIA

In Person
Location: Slovakia
Date: 22.01.2024 - 25.01.2024
By: ReBuilt
Initial mapping in Slovakia was realized in close cooperation of both Slovak partners of ReBuilt project.   Partners from Slovakia organized two separate workshops, each one in different part of country. 

First one was connected event with regular meeting Board of Director Association of construction entrepreneurs of Slovakia. This meeting was organized in Košice (second largest SK city) in eastern part of Slovakia on 22nd of January 2023. This workshop brought inputs and findings from business perspective of construction sector.

Second ReBuilt workshop was fully dedicated to project objectives. Event took place in Faculty of Civil Engineering on 25th January 2023 in Bratislava (western part of country). Agenda of this event cover all topics ReBuilt project.

Key findings:

  • Missing clear national legislation framework for reusage of construction material.
  • Missing national strategy for circular economy in construction sector.
  • No specialized training courses dealing with circular economy in construction sector.