Interreg_CE_ReCo_Peer_Review_Visit_DOPPS-BirdLife Slovenia__CR_Ondrej Volf_2
CR Ondrej Volf

1st peer review of the project in the Škocjanski zatok Nature Reserve

Date: 05.08.2024
By: ReCo

On 5 and 6 August a joint peer review team visited pilot region 4 – Škocjanski zatok Nature Reserve. During the field trip the team members had the opportunity to observe the effectiveness of the implemented measures. The two newly created mud banks perfectly serve as a nesting area for terns and as an area for saltmarsh vegetation.

Afterwards, the peer review team had a meeting with the main stakeholders, which was attended in addition to the host (DOPPS – BirdLife Slovenia) by representatives of Local Municipality, Port of Koper, University of Primorska in Koper, Water Authority and last but not least representatives of public. The participants have been informed about the very thorough preparation of the project. The project was preceded by detailed communication with stakeholders and the public. As a result, the acceptance of the project has been very high, helped by the fact that the whole area is open to the public.