Climate change: explore, understand and act

Location: Brno, Czechia
Date: 06.08.2024 - 20.09.2024
By: Clim4Cast

During August and September 2024, the Urban Center in Brno (Czech Republic) hosts an exhibition entitled Climate change: explore, understand and act.


The exhibition is aimed at the general public and clearly explains the principle of the climate system, the causes of current climate change, and how to deal with it on several panels. The main emphasis is placed on the Czech Republic and on Brno itself. There is also information regarding monitoring and forecasting extreme weather events such as drought, heatwaves, and fire weather, which are dealt with in the Clim4Cast project. Current early warning systems related to such events are also presented.


The exhibition was prepared by a team of experts from the Department of Geography of Masaryk University, the Global Change Research Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences – CzechGlobe, the Municipality of Brno and the Urban Center.

More information about the event here: