Green islands and pergolas for shade: Maribor and Hajdúböszörmény have installed their Ready4Heat pilot actions

Date: 27.08.2024
The cities of Maribor and Hajdúböszörmény have finished installing their Ready4Heat pilot actions.

The city of Maribor installed two pergolas in separate kindergartens to provide shade for the playgrounds and buildings. They chose two types of plants (kiwi and white Isabella vine) for this purpose. The plants are growing and are being well-maintained.

The city of Hajdúböszörmény has finished installing the 47 green islands. The green islands are placed in public areas and around public buildings. The 47 units were installed at 23 different locations. The locations have been selected using heat maps with the cooperation of stakeholders involved in citizen engagement. The green islands have a bench to rest under the shade created by the plants growing on a wooden structure.