Source: Der Geothermie Kongress 2024,

The German Geothermal Congress 2024

In Person
Location: Potsdam, Germany
Date: 22.10.2024 - 24.10.2024

The annual Geothermal Congress (DGK) will take place at the Kongresshotel in Potsdam. On 22-24 October, players from the geothermal industry will meet here to discuss current projects, the latest findings and technical innovations.

Project lead partner Helmholtz-Centre Potsdam German Research Centre for Geosciences (Department Geosystems, Section Geoenergy) will be attending the congress and present the development of TRANSGEO project.

Date: Wednesday, 23th October 2024 (11:10am – 12:50pm)


·       Forum 15: Deep Geothermal – New Aspects

Julie E. Friddell: Reuse of Hydrocarbon Wells for Geothermal Energy Production – Economic and Policy Aspects

Hannes Hofmann: Reuse of Hydrocarbon Wells for Geothermal Energy Production – Technical Aspects

·       Location:  Room 214

·       Session Chair: Harald Milsch, GFZ Potsdam

Conference Agenda for 23th October 2024:

The conference program:

Link to abstracts:  

THE GERMAN GEOTHERMAL CONGRESS (congress 2024, registration, program)


The Interreg Central Europe project started in May 2023 and its overall objective of is to enable a structural change from a fossil-fuel producing hydrocarbon industry towards sustainable green energy provision from geothermal energy sources within Central Europe with focus on rural areas.