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Project overview

Strengthening Innovation Capacities Among Central European Alternative Food Networks

Alternative food networks seek to transform food supplies by connecting ethical producers and consumers more directly. Systemic policies to support such networks are widely missing in central Europe and it is time to change this. The FOOD4CE project establishes local and transnational hubs for the food and logistics sectors, in which they can exchange good practices and take up innovative technologies. The hubs will be integrated into the European network of logistics competence centres. More information coming soon.

2,10m €

Project Budget


of the Budget is funded by ERDF

Layer 1










Start date

End date

Project progress


Project partnership

Project partners

Slovenija (SI)

Lead partner

University of Maribor

Faculty of Civil Engineering, Transportation Engineering and Architecture
Smetanova ulica 17
SI-2000 Maribor
Slovenia (SI)

Project partner

Department for Regional Development
Pobreska cesta 20
2000 Maribor
Slovenia (SI)
Total partner budget
211,250 €
viale Aldo Moro 38
40127 Bologna
Italy (IT)
Total partner budget
260,250 €
Food and Technology Institution
Páter Károly Str. 1
2100 Gödöllő
Hungary (HU)
Total partner budget
241,170 €
ul. Ewarysta Estkowskiego 6
61-755 Poznań
Poland (PL)
Total partner budget
256,678 €
Department of Law and Farm Management
Wojska Polskiego 28
60-637 Poznań
Poland (PL)
Total partner budget
186,250 €
Jochen Rindt-Strasse 33
1060 Vienna
Austria (AT)
Total partner budget
225,250 €
Wohlmutstrasse 22
1020 Wien
Austria (AT)
Total partner budget
190,040 €
Avenue Louise 146
1050 Bruxelles
Belgium (BE)
Total partner budget
162,250 €



Identification and classification of existing AFNs in Central Europe

The task systematically identifies (desk analysis and survey) the existing AFNs in CE and evaluates their level of development to classify them into different categories of complexity. Special emphasis is given to business models that are systematically compared based on the CANVAS methodology (transnational benchmark). Special emphasis is given to sustainability of identified solutions and business models. The task also identifies and provides classification of AFN stakeholders to understand their roles and provide database of key stakeholders. The analysis and survey of existing AFN business models and stakeholders forms the basis for stakeholder’s database and knowledge platform.


Analysis of AFNs SFSC characteristics and need

Small local food producers are usually underestimating the importance of logistics. It is a complex process that can make an important contribution to the efficiency of the short food supply chain. The desk research and survey are therefore focusing on supply chain and logistics processes of small scale (alternative) food production/distribution systems identified. Special emphasis is given to: transport, packaging and handling equipment, warehousing, IT support, tracking and tracing. In depth analysis of characteristics and needs provides basis for knowledge transfer and policy support for AFNs in CE.


Pilot mapping of AFNs logistics solutions and best practices

Examples of good practices are crucial in improving the functionality of existing AFNs in CE and setting new ones. This pilot activity gathers knowledge, experiences and best practices in the field of logistics operations for AFNs and develops tool to create the repository of solutions and concepts appropriate for small scale alternative food producers and small logistics operators. The most advanced AFN functional models and the most efficient short food supply chains are selected for in depth analysis. This activity aims to develop, test and verify the tool and produce direct input for Knowledge platform. This will help to identify the main challenges about logistics issues and innovative approaches that resulted with best practice examples.


Innovation Hub setup and pilot operation

Innovation Hub brings together actors from different sectors to advance AFNs in CE. Organized as living lab, Innovation Hub enables active knowledge transfer between researchers, business experts, food producers, logistics operators and policy makers to co-create conditions for improved functioning of AFNs in CE. IH will provide two distinct services to its members – Knowledge transfer platform and Matchmaking platform. FOOD4CE pilot consist of 1 transnational and 5 regional/local hubs. Local innovation hubs share their knowledge and needs with other innovation hubs (in participating countries), creating a unique mutual transnational support network for CE AFNs. IH will remain active also after the project end.


Knowledge Transfer Platform

The Knowledge Transfer Platform provides useful information for managing and operating AFNs in CE. It combines and provides knowledge on most relevant business models, SFSC logistics solutions, and best practices. The KTP is a web-based tool and covers the following main topics relevant to small scale short food supply chains: Information systems and digitalization of logistics processes, advanced delivery/ordering principles, consolidation of deliveries, vehicle routing optimization, sharing of logistics facilities (warehousing), common packaging solutions and standards, energy use optimization systems, inclusive business models for systemic resilience, and collaboration models, planning models, development models, recycling.


Matchmaking Platform

Matchmaking Platform is a tool developed to match the logistics needs and solutions of different stakeholders to create new partnerships and develop new and better logistics services. Matching can be done at different levels: between small farmers, between small farmers and existing AFNs, AFNs and logistics operators, AFNs and big customer. The Matchmaking Platform is a web-based tool (like marketplace). Several matchmaking events are organized for small farmers to present their products and logistics characteristic and meet potential partners and customers to create or advance existing short food supply chains.


Policy Support Framework

AFNs today represent only a small percentage of food production and consumption, but they are growing very rapidly. To achieve further development of AFNs, adequate policy support is needed at the national and transnational levels. This task is dedicated to reviewing existing European, national and regional policies related to AFNs and making this knowledge available to stakeholders through Innovation Hubs meetings. The main objective of this task is to provide policy and recommendations at the regional /national level to support the evolution of AFNs towards operationally, environmentally friendly, and energy-efficient food distribution system of the future.


Contribution to Macro Regional and Smart Specialisation Strategies

Emphasizing the importance of AFNs and short food supply chains in key macroregional strategies and smart specialization strategies is critical to the long-term development of AFNs. Therefore, targeted meetings with representatives of macroregional strategies are planned to align their action plans with the needs of AFNs.



Pilot actions


1.1 Pilot mapping of AFN logistics solutions and best practices

Pilot activity gathers knowledge, experiences and best practices in the field of logistics operations for AFNs and develops tool (in the form of Excel spreadsheet) to create the repository of solutions and concepts appropriate for small scale alternative food producers and small logistics operators. Pilot activity is performed jointly by all project partners (methodology, toll, verification) - TYPE: Pilot Actions
Type of output: Solutions

1.2 Tool for mapping AFN logistics solutions and best practices

Tool for mapping AFN logistics solutions and best practices is Excel spreadsheet aiming to create the repository of solutions and concepts appropriate for small scale alternative food producers and small logistics operators. Beta version is tested and verified (by project partners and stakeholders) throuth the process of feeding the tool with data and information on solutions and best practice examples - TYPE: Jointly Developed Solutions
Type of output: Solutions

2.1 Innovation Hub

Innovation Hub will be created and tested (pilot) in participating CE regions and transnationally, aiming to create better conditions for supporting SMEs with logistics knowledge, solutions and best practices. Involvement of AFN actors will create and stimulate conditions for exchange of needs and ideas and therefore create opportunities for improvement of their services. AFN actors in participating regions will be invited to participate and utilise IH support/services - TYPE: Pilot Actions
Type of output: Strategies and action plans
In development

2.2 Knowledge Transfer Platform

Knowledge Transfer Platform is a web based tool that provides useful information for managing and operating AFNs in CE. It combines and provides knowledge on most relevant business models, SFSC logistics solutions, and best practices (gathered during project). It is a living tool, constantly updated to provide relevant and innovative information. The tool is jointly developed based on identified needs of stakeholders and expert knowledge of project partners.
Type of output: Solutions
In development

2.3 Matchmaking Platform

Matchmaking Platform is a web-based tool to match the logistics needs of different stakeholders. Matching can be done at different levels: between farmers, between farmers and existing AFNs, AFNs and logistics operators, AFNs and customer, etc. All AFN actors in participating regions will be invited to participate and utilise Matchmaking Platform to support their needs. The tool is developed based on stakeholders needs and expert knowledge of project partners.
Type of output: Solutions
In development

3.1 Regional action plan for AFN support

Regional action plan for AFN support is a strategic document that briefly describes characteristics of regional food supply chains, main (logistics) challenges and provides a set of measures and actions to be taken by the regional government. It also contains summary of exiting financial support instruments which are available for AFNs and can be utilised for measures implementation. Aim of the project is adoption of regional action plan by local /regional authority.
Type of output: Strategies and action plans
In development


The project lead partner is responsible for the content of this project website.

Project on social media

Project Contacts

Project Manager

Maršenka Marksel
Phone: 0038622294393

Finance Manager

Nina Pavletič
Phone: 0038622294318

Communication Manager

Metka Dernovšek
Phone: 0038622294318