Digi-B-Well 1st Workshop – Embracing Digital Transformation (UNIBO)

Date: 20.09.2024
On September 11, 2024, the first Digi-B-Well workshop was organised and conducted by the University of Bologna, focusing on how digital transformation is shaping both the workplace and well-being. The event featured key presentations from Professor Luca Pietrantoni and Professor Salvatore Zappalà from the Department of Psychology. Their talks delved into the challenges and opportunities brought by digitalisation in terms of physical and mental health, work arrangements, and digital well-being.

Professor Pietrantoni opened the workshop with a comprehensive view of digital transformation and its impact on employee well-being. He highlighted the key challenges posed by the growing integration of technology in the workplace, particularly the rise of technostress—a phenomenon where constant connectivity, increased screen time, absorption, and rapid technological changes create stress and anxiety. He also discussed ways to improve digital well-being, emphasising the importance of digital detox, reducing information overload, and promoting a healthy balance between digital tools and personal life. He then focused on how the rise of AI is impacting digital well-being in the workplace and decision-making processes in organisations.

Next, Professor Zappalà’s presentation addressed the evolving landscape of telework, remote, and hybrid work arrangements. He outlined how these new work styles are affecting employees’ health, well-being, and productivity. While flexible work arrangements provide more autonomy, they also introduce new challenges, such as social isolation and blurred work-life boundaries. Zappalà emphasised the importance of leadership in fostering a supportive environment where employees can thrive. His insights on workation (a new trend combining work and vacation) also generated interest as a potential way to combine productivity with relaxation.

The workshop also included a final session led by Alena Metzenseva, who presented preliminary results from the Digi-B-Well survey. The survey explored digitalisation needs and challenges across different sectors, namely the academia, the public sector and the SMEs. The innovative graph analysis provided insights into digital readiness, well-being, and technological needs, with discussions highlighting the key barriers to successful digital transformation, such as outdated infrastructure, lack of digital skill training and digitalisation leadership, and resistance to change.

The first Digi-B-Well workshop provided valuable insights into how organisations can embrace digital transformation while safeguarding employee well-being. The focus on human-centric approaches to digital tools highlighted the importance of balancing technological advancement with the mental and physical health of workers.

The UniBo team will return in the coming weeks with a follow-up workshop, continuing the discussion on digital transformation and its impact on well-being and offering further insights and practical solutions.