The restoration of Geberbach stream, to promote climate adaptation, biodiversity and to improve quality of life in the stream neighbourhoods were the focus of the stakeholder kick-off workshop on 24th October 2024 in the district office of Dresden-Prohlis. Around 40 participants from public authorities, local associations, research institutions and many more met for the discussion, which Antje Dennewitz has graphically recorded in the picture above. There was an intensive exchange on how the Geberbach can be restored and turned into a green zone for recreation, coming together and experiencing nature. The participants were motivated and contributed numerous ideas. Concerns and possible obstacles were also discussed. This laid an important foundation for further work on the project ReBioClim, which aims to implement the first measures on the Geberbach in one to two years’ time. Further events will follow, focussing on the whys and wherefores of stream restoration and the collection of ideas and planning of specific measures.

Graphic recording by Antje Dennewitz, summarising the discussions of the Stakeholder kick-off in Dresden on the restoration of Geberbach stream