Clim4Cast team gathers in Ljubljana to plan key upcoming tasks

Location: Ljubljana, Slovenia
Date: 12.11.2024 - 13.11.2024
By: Clim4Cast
During the discussions, significant attention was given to the coordination of national consultations. These consultations, which will be organized by project partners in their respective countries by March 2025, are essential to gather input from stakeholders for the development of national action plans for droughts, heatwaves, and wildfires. The team discussed various consultation formats, target groups, and how to present proactive response concept which partners developed in a way that invites valuable feedback from stakeholders.

On the second day of the meeting, a joint session was held with the Drought Management Center for Southeastern Europe (DMCSEE,, which is also hosted by ARSO. DMCSEE, established in 2006, has been playing a key role in fostering cooperation among Southeast European countries to improve drought preparedness and mitigate its impacts.

The session included presentations of the drought monitoring tools and products developed by both the Clim4Cast project and DMCSEE network. These tools aim to provide better regional and national monitoring of drought conditions. A lively discussion followed, where participants explored the practicality and operational use of these products. It was agreed that while regional tools are highly beneficial, they should complement the existing national drought monitoring systems to maximize their effectiveness.