A small version of a „House of Future“ in Graz, as a multifunctional space for circular economy and sustainability issues in a vacant retail space in the city center of Graz successfully promoted small companies from Graz between June – September 2024.
The 22m² shop in Herrengasse 10 belongs to the City of Graz and focused for the pilot on selling sustainable products. Over all 16 providers of sustainable products, including a social enterprise, shared the space. In different settings 2-3 providers used the space at a time or one by one from one week until for about a month. Creating visibility of small companies and innovative business models that focus on sustainability and circular economy, showing craftsmanship as well as a successful interim use and space sharing were the main goals of the pilot. Herrengasse 10 was meant to become a beacon for follow-up projects and already inspires more actors in Graz.
The NiCE Pilot in Graz to come – a bigger version of the „House of Future“ – aims to establish a lively and easily accessable space for sustainable products, sustainable services, repair, further use, upcycling, information, learning and discourse. A core group is working on its vision, mission and business cases and helds talks with various space owners to make the „House of Future“ come real.