Czech and Slovak Training Event About a Cycle Tourism in Europe

Date: 28.01.2025

Cycle tourism in Europe was the topic of the first webinar on cycle tourism themes, organised in cooperation with the project partners Ekopolis Foundation (Slovakia) and Partnerství, o.p.s. (Czech Republic) on January 28, 2025, as part of the ICTr-CE project.  A total of 70 participants from Slovakia and the Czech Republic participated. Ján Roháč (Ekopolis) and Daniel Mourek (Partnerství o.p.s.) presented to participants, from all spheres and levels, tourism facts and insights about what cyclotourism actually is, how it is categorised, its basic characteristics, which European markets and destinations exist, customer behaviour patterns of cycle tourists, new trends, and more.


Jessica Casagrande from the European Cyclists’ Federation demonstrated the significance and impact of long-distance cycle tourism routes and presented the EuroVelo network. Petra Klanšek (Iskriva, Slovenia) presented a best practice example – the new long-distance cycling route, the Amazon of Europe Bike Trail, spanning five countries along the Mura, Drava, and Danube rivers.


Slovakia and the Czech Republic have not yet fully utilised the potential that cyclotourism offers for sustainable regional development. That is why we have designed the webinar and seminar series with a broad thematic focus to provide an introduction to cyclotourism for public administration, entrepreneurs, and civil organisations. The ICTr-CE project places emphasis on the EuroVelo 13 – Iron Curtain Trail, and therefore, future events will be increasingly focused on this route and the activities planned within the ICTr-CE project.



Educational activities will continue with further events from February to June to ensure comprehensive information and support for those interested in cyclotourism.