Innovative circular and digital solutions for construction in Central Europe

Date: 04.03.2025
By: ReBuilt

to the online workshop

Innovative circular and digital solutions for construction in Central Europe

WHEN: Tuesday, 4. 3. 2025, 11:00 – 12:30

Online implementation via MS Teams.


Dear innovators, industry professionals, decision-makers, researchers, policy expert and other curious people.

All ReBuilt stakeholders are cordially invited to join the workshop Innovative circular and digital solutions for construction in Central Europe, which will present selected innovations covering the broad framework of the circular economy, with a focus on different materials, technologies and approaches to sustainable construction.

The purpose of the Innovation Cafe (iCafe) is to encourage and empower people to innovate and collaborate to scale innovations and support market penetration of presented circular solutions in the construction sector.

With us will be:

  1.  Benjamin Hague, Head of Think Tank at INCIEN – Proposed pilot projects for a digital materials management solution to boost the circularity of the buildings and construction sector in the Danube region.
  2. Jiri Fiala, Red – Beton – Concretes made of brick and mixed recycled aggregates.
  3. Martin Pribila, Talpa House – Smart low-carbon construction from recycled raw materials.
  4. Marcel Sedlak, HB Reavis – Circular economy and sustainable construction sector in real estate.






11.00 – 11:05

Welcome and short introduction

Martina Le Gall Maláková (IIC)

11:05 11-10

Presentation of project ReBuilt

Eva Kloužková (CZGBC)


11:10 -11:25

Proposed pilot projects for a digital materials management solution to boost the circularity of the buildings and construction sector in

the Danube region.


Benjamin Hague, Head of Think Tank at INCIEN

11:25 – 10:30


Martina Le Gall Maláková

(IIC), All participants

11:30 – 11:45

Concretes made of brick and mixed recycled aggregates

Jiri Fiala, Red – Beton

11:45 – 11:50


Martina Le Gall Maláková

(IIC), All participants

11:50 – 12:05

Smart low-carbon construction from recycled raw materials

Martin Pribila, Talpa House

12:05 – 12:10


Martina Le Gall Maláková

(IIC)All participants

12:10 – 12:25

Circular economy and sustainable construction sector in real estate

Marcel Sedlak, HB Reavis

12:25 – 12:30


Martina Le Gall Maláková

(IIC), All participants

12:30 – 12:40

Wrap-up, next steps and conclusions

Martina Le Gall Maláková

(IIC), All participants


  • The workshop will be English, and it is free of charge.
  • The session will be recorded.

We want to hear your opinion and learn from your experiences, so, we invite you to join us.