Znojmo view, woman on a wheelchair
Cenia 2023


Project overview

Accessible Spaces for All – Improving Accessibility of Tourism for Persons with Disabilities in Central Europe

Accessible tourism allows people with disabilities to travel independently. But there is still often a lack of awareness for their needs. The CE-Spaces4All project connects public authorities, the tourism sector and people with disabilities to improve governance for a more accessible tourism. The partners develop a digital tool for mapping barriers in rural regions and provide these with a joint strategy and local action plans to better integrate accessibility considerations in territorial planning.

2,65m €

Project Budget


of the Budget is funded by ERDF

Layer 1










Start date

End date

Project progress


Project partnership

Project partners

Slovenija (SI)

Lead partner

Geodetic Institute of Slovenia

Jamova cesta 2
1000 Ljubljana
Slovenia (SI)

Project partner

Linhartova cesta 1
1000 Ljubljana
Slovenia (SI)
Total partner budget
154,224 €
Kardoševa 2
9000 Murska Sobota
Slovenia (SI)
Total partner budget
171,612 €
Department of Landscape, Spatial and Infrastructure Sciences, Institute of Spatial Planning, Environmental Planning and Land Rearrangement
Peter-Jordan-Strasse 82
1190 Vienna
Austria (AT)
Total partner budget
337,932 €
Wiener Straße 1
2170 Poysdorf
Austria (AT)
Total partner budget
238,140 €
Bana Josipa Jelačića 22E
40000 Čakovec
Croatia (HR)
Total partner budget
170,100 €
Department for social activity projects
Bana Josipa Jelačića 22
40000 Čakovec
Croatia (HR)
Total partner budget
170,100 €
Unit of geoinformatics
Moskevská 1523/63
101 00 Praha
Czechia (CZ)
Total partner budget
224,910 €
Unit of disabled people
Dygrýnova 816/8
198 00 Praha
Czechia (CZ)
Total partner budget
127,008 €
Kosztolányi u. 10
8900 Zalaegerszeg
Hungary (HU)
Total partner budget
234,360 €
National and International Programmes and Projects Department
Chopina Street 51
35-959 Rzeszow
Poland (PL)
Total partner budget
211,680 €
Avenue des Arts 7-8
1210 Brussels
Belgium (BE)
Total partner budget
181,440 €



Our vision

Travelling for everyone without distinction.


Specific problem

Min 20 % of people in the EU live with a limit that creates a travel restrictive conditions. These people would like to travel by themselves without dependency on specialized agencies. We are talking about people on wheelchairs, seniors, parents with babies in stroller, persons with vision or hearing impairment or low vision or hard hearing.



CE-Spaces4All will address key barriers of accessible tourism for everyone that is necessary to remove: lack of awareness, capacities and cooperation of multi-level cross-sectoral stakeholders for territorial planning for accessible tourism and lack of involvement of people with disabilities (PWD), lack of standardised data for evidence-based accessibility planning, and lack of proper services for PWD for independent tourism travel.


Step by step

1: Developing joint tool for informed territorial planning of accessible tourism. 2: Developing tools and services for persons with disabilities for independent tourism travel. 3: Mainstreaming and policy uptake.



Znojmo view, woman on a wheelchair
Cenia 2023

The project will bring Web Accessibility Viewer tool for policy planners for mapping and visualising barriers to accessibility; its application in pilot regions will result in a catalogue of barriers. As a result, raised capacities and improved cooperation of stakeholders will lead to better governance for policy and territorial planning of accessible tourism, as well as to improved public services for PWD. This will remove accessible tourism development barriers in the regions, and improve their territorial and social cohesion.



Pilot actions


Web Accessibility Viewer

The Web Accessibility Viewer (WAV) is an online tool designed for policy planners to map the accessibility of persons with disabilities aimimg to enhance governance for more accessible tourism. The tool targets three pilot areas in Central Europe: the transborder area of Slovenia, Croatia, and Hungary, the cross-border area of Austria and Czech Republic, and a rural area in Poland. WAV allows users to view, visualize, and download free-of-charge spatial data for persons with mobility impairments (wheelchair users), visual impairments, and hearing impairments.
Type of output: Solutions

Pilot actions to jointly develop and test solutions for accessibility of tourism in the transborder tourism in the regions

All the regions are a bit different but we will be working on the same ideas. Regions of Pomurje, Međimurje and Zala County share rich common history, culture and nature, connected by developing tourism destination of UNESCO Mura-Drava-Danube 5-country biosphere reserve (Amazon of Europe). Regions recognise potential of accessible tourism and will based on concept testing work to improve mobility between tourist sites for PWD. Border regions Weinviertel (AT) and Southern Moravia (CZ) with main centres in Retz (AT) and Znojmo (CZ) share a history of cooperation, bridging the divide of former Iron Curtain. Improving accessibility of tourism is a common vision. Pilot action will based on concept testing look for integrating solutions for blind and paraplegic persons. Podkarpackie Voivodeship is a region in SE Poland, bordering SK and UA. It is one of ecologically cleanest regions with 45% of area covered in protected areas, developing nature and outdoor tourism with accessibility at the heart of development. Pilot action will based on concept testing focus on finding solutions for accessible rural tourism.
Type of output: Strategies and action plans
In development

Model for improving mobility of PWD for independent tourism travel in the transborder tourism area

Based on identified barriers and joint testing of concept, model for improving mobility of PWD for independent tourism travel in the transborder tourism area will be made. Tools like pre-journey plans will be made, maps and travel itineraries will be improved or newly developed and integrated into municipal and regional tourism sites; solutions for improving, better connecting and promoting existing accessible transport options between sites will be done. The first webinars for tourism providers in the Czech Republic were held at the pilot area Znojmo, where the Accessibility Guides (Průvodce přístupnosti) were presented. The Accessibility Guide was also introduced to the Austrian tourism providers at the webinar organised by Weinviertel Tourism. The document is a summary of basic information on accessibility of the tourism venue and helps PWD to choose a suitable tourism destination to visit based on their accessibility needs. Below are three Manuals for free download on how to create an Accessibility Guide – 1. accommodation facilities, 2. restaurants, and 3. tourism attractions. Manuals are available in Czech, English and German.
Type of output: Solutions
In development

A Joint Strategy - Territorial Planning for Accessible Tourism in Rural Regions of Central Europe

Activity will summarise lessons learned, developed solutions and future actions into a common Strategy for improving territorial planning for accessible tourism development in rural regions of CE. The Strategy will include: 1) Guidelines for policy planners and decision makers on planning and implementing territorial accessible tourism strategies, use of WAV, services and tools for PWD, mainstreaming the European Disability Card, proposal for developing profile of Accessibility Consultants – PWD skilled in supporting authorities in territorial planning for accessible tourism; 2) Mainstreaming and uptake plan outlining the future joint transnational actions to promote and implement the strategy.
Type of output: Strategies and action plans
In development

Action Plan for Improving Accessibility of Tourism in the Transborder Tourism Region

Action plans implementation of the Strategy will be prepared in each of the 3 pilot areas. Based on catalogue of barriers the action plans will define concrete actions to overcome the barriers through local, national and transborder actions; key responsible organisation and concrete projects will be defined and public and private funding possibilities for their implementation will be identified for further improving and mainstreaming accessibility in the regions. The aim of the activity is to build future new partnerships and prepare followup projects for long-term cooperation of crosssectoral stakeholders in the 3 project regions for further joint development of accessible tourism.
Type of output: Strategies and action plans
In development

Organisations cooperating across borders - European Disability Forum Trainings

EDF as a project partner prepares regular trainings on accessible tourism. These help everyone involved to put themselves in the shoes of a person with a disability and listen to what we could do differently in our work? All the outputs from these workshops are available on the EDF website and focus on, for example, the preparation of accessible events, raising awareness of the European Accessibility Act or good practices in accessible tourism. In addition, it is also possible to download guides for creating accessible documents, social media or videos.
Type of output: Strategies and action plans


The project lead partner is responsible for the content of this project website.

Project on social media

Project Contacts

Project Manager

Blaž Barborič
Phone: +38631524367

Finance Manager

Janja Hari
Phone: +38612002929

Communication Manager

Jitka Faugnerová
Phone: +420 724 549 970