NiCE project Partner meeting in Bologna

Date: 31.10.2023
By: NiCE

Next partner meeting of the NiCE Project will be organized by ENEA in Bologna from the 9th to the 10th November 2023. During the event, we will discuss on our project’s activities and first results. 

The meeting will provide the opportunity to meet the Italian stakeholders involved in the Bologna pilot, comprising: Fondazione Innovazione Urbana , HERA Group, University of Bologna, Municipality of Monte San Pietro, Aquaponic Design and social promotion associations and cooperatives (EtaBeta, Open Event, Fattoria Urbana, Orti del Paleotto).  

Since Bologna pilot is focused on circular water solutions, the meeting will be held in Opificio delle Acque, Water Museum located in Bologna city center ( 

The meeting will start with an opening session with the welcome of Bologna Municipality and ENEA, followed by dedicated sessions on project activities (WP1, WP2, WP3). Furthermore an urban trekking activity will be carried out with stakeholders to visit City of Bologna innovative places of circular economy (i.e. urban regeneration areas, green and greening areas, open space,…). Finally a lecture on Urban Living Lab methodology will be held by ENEA in collaboration with University of Bologna guest speaker. During the lecture, ULL experiences will be shared among NiCE partners as StadtLabor. 

Social programme include a social dinner and City Bologna tour by bus. 

The partner meeting will also include a side-event on 8 November where a delegation of project partners will visit the ECOMONDO Exhibition in Rimini.