Buddy Boosting Training Programs up and running in all partner regions

Date: 01.04.2024 - 30.06.2024

The “BBTP” programs intend to teach different skills related to circular economy, green deal, entrepreneurship, design thinking, user-centred approach and negotiation techniques. This is the innovative part of the project as it also includes experts from related fields and enables an eye-level exchange between many interested parties, stimulating a mindset shift towards sustainable thinking and acting.

Though based on a common structure all regions adapted the training program to their needs and conditions: Our Croatian partners successfully completed a training cohort sign-up with a wide age range and are adjusting the program duration due to summertime challenges; our Italian partners focused in their 8-week long training program on circular economy concepts and business model development. In the Czech Republic a need to raise awareness about circular economy among companies was identified, their Buddy Training program focuses on helping Gen Z participants to better understand the tourism sector. The Slovakian partners organised a successful Greenpact Ideation event where students collaborated on solutions for a packaging challenge presented by a local SME. In Germany the partners from Stuttgart Region initiated a program with seven online sessions and three onsite events, covering content for the Creative Industries, e.g. on Eco Business Models and canvasses, Green Coding, Bio Economy, CSRD or information on local and regional sustainability networks and actions.

You will learn about the details and results of the training programs as soon as they are finished!