The picturesque city of Graz hosted the second COEUS partner meeting on November 13-14, 2024. Held at the Smart Business Center, this hybrid event brought together project partners, stakeholders, and SMEs from across Central Europe to advance Corporate Digital Responsibility (CDR) initiatives.
Day one focused on reviewing the first project period’s outcomes, including a survey assessing CDR knowledge among stakeholders and SMEs. Key sessions introduced updates on transnational pilot testing and policy integration, with participants sharing challenges and achievements from local stakeholder groups. The day concluded with a networking dinner at Gösser Bräu Graz.
On day two, the spotlight turned to WP1 activities, highlighting the development of a state-of-the-art CDR skills framework and an SME upskilling/reskilling program. Partners and stakeholders collaborated in breakout sessions, offering practical feedback to refine the program. The meeting also marked the initiation of activities under WP2 and WP3, setting the stage for future milestones in sustainable digital transformation.
The COEUS project continues to drive innovative solutions, fostering collaboration among diverse participants to create impactful, applicable tools for the region’s digital evolution.