Communications & Synergies Seminar, Vienna

Location: Austria
Date: 26.09.2023 - 27.09.2023
By: TeBiCE

Communication and synergy in international projects were the topics of a seminar organized by the Joint Secretariat of the Interreg Central Europe Program, held in Vienna during the last week of September.

The meeting aimed to train participants in website editing, planning and various communication strategies.

The last day was mainly devoted to identifying synergies between different projects.

More than a hundred people representing 53 projects, implemented across Central Europe, attended the nine meetings (devoted to issues as diverse as transportation, health and the circular economy).

This gave participants the opportunity to listen to and network with partners representing similar projects and with similar goals.

TeBiCE representatives from Kujawsko – Pomorskie, were especially happy to get to know our counterparts from projects such as BIOECO-UP and CIREVALC.