Embracing Sustainability: Navigating ESG Regulations and Strategic Growth Opportunities

In Person
Location: Pordenone, Italy
Date: 20.02.2024
On February 20, 2024, at the Polo Tecnologico Alto Adriatico in Pordenone, Italy, local SMEs and companies convened to explore the intersection of regulatory requirements and strategic opportunities in sustainability. The event, titled “ESG: Regulatory obligations and strategic opportunities for sustainability development,” aimed to educate and empower businesses on navigating the complexities of ESG criteria and the implications of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD).

The focus of the event was clear: to introduce attendees to the essential components of sustainability reporting and highlight the support services offered by Polo Tecnologico Alto Adriatico, particularly for SMEs looking to enhance their sustainability practices. Key speakers from various sectors provided insights ranging from regulatory compliance to strategic planning:

Andrea Fornasier, Head of Sustainability B.U at Polo Tecnologico Alto Adriatico, emphasized the importance of integrating sustainability into corporate strategies to foster long-term value creation.

Rolando Meotto, Sustainability Consultant at Eumantis Srl, delved into practical methodologies for implementing effective sustainability reporting frameworks, essential for compliance with regulatory standards.

Alessandra Ramani, Deputy Director of Finance and Control at FRIULIA, underscored the significance of sustainability from an investor’s perspective, highlighting how transparency and responsible governance can attract institutional investment.

Michela Ceccotti, President of the Navalmechanics and Aeronautics sector at Confindustria Alto Adriatico, discussed sector-specific challenges and opportunities in adopting sustainable practices.

Sergio Barel, President of COMET – Cluster Metalmeccanica FVG, provided closing remarks on the collaborative efforts needed to drive regional sustainability initiatives forward.

The event concluded with a commitment to ongoing support and education. Another session focused on ESG initiatives is planned within the next two months to further assist local companies in leveraging sustainability as a driver of growth and compliance. This follow-up event will continue to showcase the resources and expertise available within the local ecosystem to foster sustainable development and regulatory adherence.

As Pordenone’s business landscape embraces sustainability as a core principle, events like these play a crucial role in equipping businesses with the knowledge and tools needed to thrive in an increasingly responsible and transparent global marketplace.