The third session of the series of meetings organized by Localog – Piattaforma per la Logistica Contadina, the Italian Innovation Hub created within the Food4CE project, will take place on Tuesday, March 11, 2025, at 14:00. This session will focus on digitalization in AFNs.
The meeting, titled “Digital Tools: Opportunities and Challenges for the Logistics of Alternative Food Networks,” will open with a presentation of Open Food Network by Francisco Martinez Frutos, Project Manager at Open Food Network Europe. This will be followed by an open discussion space dedicated to sharing experiences and needs of different networks (GAS, platforms, food co-ops, CSAs, emporiums, producer networks, etc.) regarding digital tools for managing orders, payments, deliveries, and more.
In Italy, Alternative Food Networks already use various digital tools for e-commerce, order management, logistics, and communication. These range from management systems like e-circles for Solidarity Purchasing Groups to e-commerce platforms like Trasp-Orto and even simple Telegram chats. Additionally, many of these networks have internal IT expertise. Reflecting on the spread, integration, federation, standardization, and interconnection of certain digital and management tools could make AFNs more rational and efficient, particularly in logistics-related activities such as collaborative transport, order consolidation, access to public procurement, and competitiveness against large-scale retail (GDO).
Open Food Network is an open-source platform that facilitates the direct sale of local food products by connecting producers, purchasing groups, and consumers. The software is developed by the Open Food Foundation, a non-profit organization that creates open-source digital solutions to support fair and sustainable local food systems. You can find more information and images about OFN on their website.
Open-source and solidarity economy share many ethical principles, particularly in supporting an economy based on commons and shared resources. This meeting will therefore foster a concrete exchange of perspectives for the development of Alternative Food Networks.
The event is open to researchers, public institutions, and anyone interested in the topic.
When: Tuesday, March 11, 14:00 – 15:30
Where: Online on Microsoft Teams.