Launch Conference Germany

In Person
Location: Germany
Date: 08.03.2024
First, the work packages and goals of MESTRI-CE were presented in order to explain the three workpackages and the rough project direction.

In the input presentation by Richard Weller, several key questions of the MESTRI project were mentioned. He did for example explain the problem, that some sustainable best practice building owners decide not to get a certificate because of some criteria that doesn’t fit their possibilities.

Another focus of the input presentation was the crrem analysis which was also broadly discussed with all participants.

Afterwards, all participants gave an overview of their background and possible connection to the MESTRI projects. As most of the participants were local or regional authorities, their largest focus was set on the smart data hub. The next activity was a detailed analysis of the financing methods which are discussed within WP3. This analysis is summarized in the report about the national roundtable session in WP3.

With the help of Johanna Jicha, the current status of the smart data hub was explained to the network partners. This was mainly divided in two parts: The need analysis and the choice of a collaboration partner. The following discussion included the connection between the hub and CRREM method, other tool options and how the selection of collaboration tools was narrowed down, a possible connection to municipal heat planning and then led to the question of data availability. From their experience, some partners were sceptical about the possibility to get continuous data and also to make the tool use friendly enough to make sure that all end users keep it updated. One partner explained that they plan to create a similar tool that would be directly linked to a facility management tool in order to ensure consistent information.

As the current state of the other two work packages is vaguer at this point, they were discussed in a shorter way and with a focus on the upcoming steps. In the end, the participants got an impression of their possible tasks as network members and the amount of participation that is required in order to keep the network alive. In order to approach each network member with the fitting activities, working groups for each work package were formed.