Launching the rail service around Lake Neusiedl

In Person
Location: Hungary
Date: 13.04.2024
The new direct cross-border train service linking Western Hungary (Sopron) with Austria (Neusiedl am See) will start on 13/4/2024, when the launch event will take place in Sopron, gathering stakeholders and media from both sides of the border. The opening event is on invitation only, but the service is open to all. “Lake Neusiedl Trains” will provide an attractive alternative for both commuters and tourists in the Lake Neusiedl / Fertő region, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and will operate in the 2024 spring/summer, from April 13 to August 25, twice a day every Saturday and Sunday. With special discounted prices, the journey in modern, comfortable electric multiple units will be very affordable, while the transportation of bicycles and dogs is possible and free of charge. Train 1 departs from Sopron at 9:08, Fertőszentmiklós 9:38, Pamhagen 9:49 and arrives in Neusiedl am See at 10:26. Departure from Neusiedl am See is at 11:33, Pamhagen 12:08, Fertőszentmiklós 12:21 and arrival in Sopron at 12:47. Train 2 departs from Sopron at 15:08, Fertőszentmiklós 15:38, Pamhagen 15:49 and arrives in Neusiedl am See at 16:26. Departure from Neusiedl am See is at 17:33, Pamhagen 18:08, Fertőszentmiklós 18:21 and arrival in Sopron at 18:47.