National Roundtable Session on Italian Building Standards

Location: Italy
Date: 11.07.2024
On the 11th of July, an online roundtable session will be hold about the italian building standards. As Europe moves towards a more sustainable and climate-neutral future, the role of building standards becomes increasingly vital. This will be the focus of a recent presentation by Mariadonata Bancher of the Agenzia CasaClima (KlimaHaus Agentur), who introduces the MESTRI-CE project.


In this event, various experts will talk about the delevopments in Italy. Eng. Nicola Calabrese from ENEA discusses the implications of the new European Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) for Italy, while Anna Amato highlights the success of the Greenroad project in promoting energy retrofitting investments. Pier Gabriele Andreoli, President of the National Network of Local Energy Agencies (RENAEL), emphasizes the crucial role of local energy agencies in implementing sustainability initiatives.


The event concludes with a round table discussion, addressing the major barriers and opportunities in transforming building stock to meet sustainability and climate-neutrality criteria.


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