SMART CIRCUIT StratLab: Circular Economy in Małopolska

Location: Poland
Date: 04.02.2025

On 4th February 2025, the SMART CIRCUIT project hosted a StratLab session at the Association of the Krakow Metropolis. The event brought together key stakeholders from city councils representing 11 associated municipalities – Krakow and 10 surrounding municipalities: Czernichów, Kocmyrzów – Luborzyca, Liszki, Michałowice, Mogilany, Skawina, Świątniki Górne, Wieliczka, Wielka Wieś, Zielonki regions to discuss green and digital solutions and challenges in the circular economy and explored ways to make industries more sustainable. Discussions covered challenges for companies and municipalities, as well as opportunities for sustainable growth in Małopolska. The StratLab also helped gather valuable information about expectations, and problems related to the circular economy in the region.

Regional authorities learned about potential partnerships with EDIH Hub4Industry, a digital innovation hub that supports the development and implementation of new technologies for sustainability. During the meeting, representatives of EDIH presented their comprehensive portfolio of services for construction, ICT/electronics, and other, which includes specialized training, workshops, and consulting programs aimed at helping businesses and institutions adapt to the latest digital and ecological innovations.

This StratLab highlighted the importance of digital tools in reducing waste and improving resource efficiency. SMART CIRCUIT will continue to support regional initiatives for a more sustainable future.