Fair Do the right thing! Trento 20 | 21 | October 22, 2023

Fair Do the right thing! Trento 20 | 21 | October 22, 2023

Organic farmers, fair trade shops, associations, social cooperatives and companies. Meetings, insights and workshops. All united by a single thread in which passion, love, respect for the environment and people are intertwined. This and much more at the Fair which has...
Upcoming H2CE Partner Meeting

Upcoming H2CE Partner Meeting

The Partner Meeting of the Interreg Central Europe Project H2CE led by the Joint Spatial Planning Department Berlin-Brandenburg, is scheduled to take place from the 15th to 16th of November 2023 at M9 – MUSEO DEL ‘900. The meeting will be the first in-person since the...
ACCESSMILE kick-off conference in Trieste on 21st June 2023!

ACCESSMILE kick-off conference in Trieste on 21st June 2023!

Ports are crossroads of goods and people, as well as source of prosperity for their territories, key to their economic development and job creation. Yet, like all other human activities, they can be source of nuisances at local – air pollution, noise, congestion – and...
National info days for Italian applicants

National info days for Italian applicants

The Italian contact point organises two info days for project applicants in the view of the Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE second call for proposals. The first one is planned for 4 April, in Padova and the second one for 5 April, in Torino. The interested potential...
1st Meeting of the Monitoring Committee

1st Meeting of the Monitoring Committee

Member States put new Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE Programme on track The new Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE Programme was officially approved as one of the first EU Cohesion Policy funding programmes on 23 March 2022. In the constituting meeting of the monitoring committee in...