Main square redesign round table

Main square redesign round table

  A round table with public debate was held in context of the planned redesign of the main square in the town of Ljutomer. Parking was also discussed, mainly in the context of removal or not of the existing spaces on the...
SUMP workshop with local communities

SUMP workshop with local communities

The workshop was held within the ongoing 3rd generation SUMP preparation process. The vision and objectives were developed with input from a variety of stakeholders. Several interviews were conducted as well. Parking is an important component of the Ljutomer’s SUMP....
SUMP workshop on vision and objectives – Ljutomer

SUMP workshop on vision and objectives – Ljutomer

  The workshop was held within the ongoing 3rd generation SUMP preparation process. The vision and objectives were developed with input from a variety of stakeholders. Several interviews were conducted as well. Parking is an important component of the Ljutomer’s...
ParkPAD measures meeting – Ljutomer

ParkPAD measures meeting – Ljutomer

The meeting was held in Ljutomer on January 31st, 2024. There were 13 participants, the structure was as in the first meeting. The identified priorities based on the first meeting were presented and discussed. They were illustrated with examples of good practice...