by JETforCE | Jul 3, 2024
On 8 May 2024, JETforCE project partner IAAI will present the JETforCE Challenge Mapping Tool and its applicability for citizen and youth engagement in climate and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) action at a side event to the United Nations Science, Technology...
by TRANSGEO | Jun 27, 2024
The International Geological Congress (IGC) is a nonprofit scientific and educational organization whose meetings are held in collaboration with, and under sponsorship of the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS). IUGS holds its General Assemblies in...
by Central Mountains | Jun 17, 2024
The Central Mountains project interregional meeting is a significant event gathering representatives from various institutions and associations deeply engaged in sustainable development of mountain areas. By gathering experiences of other mountain areas (Alps...
by Ready4Heat | May 28, 2024
How can we shape liveable cities for the future? How can we ensure social justice and a good life for all? How can municipalities make use of what nature teaches us? Resilience is the key! We need to adapt to our changing environment and work towards robust regions,...