by Dana Kascakova | Jul 3, 2023
The EU Regions Week session “Boosting local and regional cooperation for a clean energy transition and improved energy security” underlines the importance of cooperation and synergies between various funding instruments. The session is organised by CETP (Clean Energy...
by Frank Schneider | Jul 3, 2023
Join our talk session at the EU Regions Week 2023 on Tuesday, 10 October in Brussels. We will speak about “Breaking barriers: A call for coordination among EU funds for better impacts”. Better coordination among EU funds has been a long-standing political...
by Katarina Hanzelova | Jan 4, 2023
The European Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) returns on 20-22 June 2023 in a hybrid format. Apply now if you want to hold a policy session, host a stand at the Energy Fair, or compete in the EUSEW Awards. The week comprises a high-level policy conference, the EUSEW...
by Katarina Hanzelova | Jan 4, 2023
EU Green Week is the key event in the EU environment policy calendar. This annual opportunity to debate and discuss European environmental policy attracts policymakers, leading environmentalists, stakeholders and other interested parties from across Europe and the...