Regional info day for Slovak applicants in Košice

Regional info day for Slovak applicants in Košice

The Slovak Regional Centre in cooperation with our Slovak national contact point organise an info day for project applicants of the Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE second calls for project proposals in Košice. The regional info day will take place in the premises of...
Regional info day for Slovak applicants in Košice

Regional info day for Slovak applicants in Trnava

The Slovak Regional Centre in cooperation with our Slovak national contact point organise an info day for project applicants of the Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE second calls for project proposals in Trnava. The regional info day will take place in the premises of...
National info day for Czech applicants

National info day for Czech applicants

The Czech national contact point will organise a joint info day in Prague for project applicants of the Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE and Interreg Europe second calls for proposals. The joint info day will take place in the premises of the Public Investment Academy of the...
Financial seminar for Czech beneficiaries

Financial seminar for Czech beneficiaries

The Czech national contact point will organise a financial seminar in Prague for project beneficiaries of the first Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE call. This targeted event will provide information on how to implement a project, well ahead of the first reports to be...
Financial seminar for Czech beneficiaries

Implementation seminar for Austrian beneficiaries

The Austrian national contact point will organise an implementation seminar in Vienna for project beneficiaries of the first Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE call. This targeted event will provide information on how to implement a project, well ahead of the first reports to be...