Our impact on carbon emissions

How we help central Europe with the energy transition

Central Europe hosts carbon-intensive regions driven by coal mining and energy-intensive industries. However, the capacity of regions to transition to a green, low-carbon economy varies widely. High-performing Alpine regions display greater ‘green readiness’ compared to peripheral areas. The latter are hampered by financial limitations, administrative hurdles, and varying public support for low-carbon solutions persist despite the emergence of decentralised energy systems in Europe.

In the programming period 2014-20, Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE helped regions and cities to reduce their energy
consumption and to improve their energy efficiency. Our projects also improved low-carbon energy planning at the territorial level.



The external impact evaluation concluded that the programme had a positive impact on energy efficiency and the usage of renewables in public infrastructures. Our projects improved low-carbon energy planning strategies and policies, and low-carbon mobility planning.


The projects produced long-term outputs and results. The programme supported a lasting change at the policy level, for instance through regional energy action plans. Today, public sector stakeholders continue to draft energy reports based on activities initiated by the projects.


Energy projects helped building capacities to plan, implement and coordinate energy efficiency and renewable energy solutions at local and regional levels.


The programme facilitated effective dissemination and communication activities. As a result of this, project outputs and results could be replicated and transferred across the target regions.


The programme reduced cenral Europe’s carbon footprint and helped to improve national and transnational “green” cooperation.



“The Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE Programme contributed to developing low-carbon solutions and ideas for mobility and transport in functional urban areas, energy planning and public buildings and infrastructure, both in urban and rural areas, acknowledging the cross-cutting and pervasive nature of low-carbon challenges.”

CIVITTA and wiiw (External experts)

Funded projects

Project partners

Million EUR from ERDF

Project highlights

Browse through our projects and learn more about their contribution to energy transition.

EfficienCE project

Project partners created a marketplace where stakeholders today exchange new technologies and pieces of equipment.

TARGET-CE project

The project used solutions from eight international projects, delivering the “Oneplace platform” that collects best practices, databases of experts, strategies, tools, etc. to support public authorities, citizens, and energy planners.


The project partners provided local authorities with technical and financial solutions to implement ‘nearly Zero Energy Building’ renovation activities in schools.

CitiEnGov project

The project supported the development of integrated territorial plans to enhance the use of Renewable Energy Sources and improve energy performance in urban areas.

PROSPECT2030 project

The project focussed on improving the use of public funds dedicated to low-carbon measures and developing decentralised energy planning approaches.

CE-HEAT project

Thanks to the project heat utilisation is now getting higher visibility in energy policies, strategies and actions plans.


Tools turning sustainable solutions to reality


Strategies and action plans for implementing low-carbon solutions


Pilot actions to demonstrate the benefits of new low-carbon activities


Trainings to enhance skills for reducing carbon footprints


Million EUR of follow-up green investments leveraged



In 2020, we launched an independent impact evaluation of the Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE 2014-20 funding programme. The evaluation was conducted in two phases over a period of three years, between 2020 and 2023. It involved a thorough analysis of the programme, which employed a range of qualitative and quantitative research methods. 

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Prague main station


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Colour palette with art written on it


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