Step-by-step guide
Find out in a few easy steps how to implement and report an Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE project.
How to get started
This step-by-step guide is designed for all partners of Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE projects. It will inspire you on what it takes to implement and report your project after it was contracted.
Bookmark our programme manual
Implementing a transnational project takes time and resources. Before you start, it’s better to know in detail what will come your way. Our programme manual contains all information you need to know. It is complemented by various factsheets and templates to simplify the implementation process for all partners. It is available in an online version but you can also simply download it.
→ Implementation factsheets and templates
Define your management and monitoring
In the start-up phase, your partnership needs to establish a sound project management structure. You will also have to define dates for your project milestones and establish the framework for the continuous monitoring of your project. The lead partner is responsible for the coordination with all partners.
→ Read more in the programme manual
→ Watch tutorials on project implementation
Get familiar with our reporting tools
Jems will be the platform for all your project reporting. Take a look at the partner reports and as lead partners get familiar with the joint progress reports. All of these are compulsory project management tools.
Brand your project
We will provide you with a design package including your logo, graphics and design templates. Our project brand manual will help you to use these. All partners will also have to begin communicating the project, take a look at the minimum communication requirements in the start-up phase.
Start to cooperate
Cooperation is central to achieve your goals. Get to know your partners in the project kick-off meeting and coordinate your activities closely with them. Check also what partners from other projects are doing in the same field or region.
Keep in touch
We will closely follow your project implementation progress. But not through an abundance of written reports, no worries. We will rather aim for dialogue and a regular information flow with lead partners in our continuous monitoring approach.
Organise a project review
Project reviews are best understood as a “fitness check”. You will have to organise at least one such review meeting to discuss strategic and operational aspects more thoroughly with your programme officer. The timing of the review will be agreed upon in the monitoring plan (see also step 2)
Make use of our support
Take a look at our upcoming events for beneficiaries, tutorials on implementation or frequently asked questions. For specific questions, you can also contact our helpdesk. We will support you in taking your cooperation forward.