Consult your ideas with us
In the third call, individual consultations with the joint secretariat are compulsory for each proposal.
Individual consultations
Our experts in the joint programme secretariat will be available for 45-minute consultation sessions as of 17 October to provide feedback on the relevance of your project idea. Please note that in the third call for project proposals, individual consultations are compulsory for each proposal. As a consequence, proposals submitted without prior consultation will be ineligible and not assessed.
Consultations can be requested between 17 October until 3 December 2024. It is recommended to request your slot already at an early stage of project development, but your project idea should be sufficiently mature.
The consultations can be exclusively requested on our applicant community and will also be held on that platform. The consultations will be based on project ideas uploaded to the applicant community and no additional information should be submitted to the joint secretariat.
After your consultation, you will receive a confirmation e-mail including a reference to the consulted project idea. This reference needs to be included in the lead partner declaration when submitting the proposal.
What to consider when requesting your consultation
Have an advanced project idea
Request your consultation slot
Prepare for the consultation
Finalise your project proposal
To get the most out of a consultation, your idea should be in a mature stage. Our experts will discuss with you questions like these:
→ Is the challenge you plan to address and the change you envision linked to a specific objective of the call?
→ Is your idea clearly addressing peripheral and lagging areas?
→ Are your objectives, activities and results clear?
You can request your consultation slot from 17 October to 3 December on our applicant community, where the consultations will be held. If you are not a member yet, please register first. On the platform, you will have to enter your project idea. You can also keep it unpublished. Only after entering the idea, you can request your consultation.
When you join a consultation, you will already have put a lot of thought into drafting your project idea. Get the most out of the 45-minute slot with our experts by preparing for it! You will be asked to briefly summarise your idea. Make sure it is easy to understand what you plan to do and prepare your questions. We are looking forward to answering these and helping you further!
In the application form, all essential information about the project must be clearly presented. The offline application form must not be submitted but it provides you with many useful tips and practical guidance on how to complete various chapters. We also encourage you to make use of our self-assessment tool and double-check whether your plans are sound and relevant.