A renewable energy community takes its start from involvement

Date: 24.03.2025
At this point of the ZEB4ZEN project, pilot activities are under implementation and in Palmanova, this step is closely connected to an intense phase of communication at the city level. The Municipality of Palmanova has the goal to establish a Renewable Energy Community. A solar PV plant will be constructed on abandoned land outside the city walls, supplying an energy community of citizens, small enterprises, and public bodies.

This will become a model for zero-emission standards in historic neighborhoods and guarantee equal access to clean energy, achieving decarbonization and sustainability goals, while at the same time preserving the cultural and historical heritage.

In the first months of 2025, a crucial activity is being performed for the involvement of citizens and small enterprises to take part in the REC, with meetings organized and the project well explained. The Municipality decided to start with small groups of stakeholders, in order to facilitate the discussion.

Besides all the sustainability benefits, a very interesting point of view was the identification of the renewable energy community as a joint action for mutual achievements. In early April, two more events open to the entire population are scheduled and will be the call to action to take part in the REC.