D4PACK: partners study and analyse the direct experience and critical issues that companies find on packaging

Activity 1.1: interviews with agrifood SMEs in the meat, dairy, fruit and vegetable sub-sectors have started

Date: 09.09.2024

Thanks to the methodology developed by the Hungarian partner Innoskart Business Development Nonprofit Ltd, agrifood support organizations taking part in the project (CEVI-Confindustria Verona, Chamber of Agricultural and Food Enterprises of Slovenia, Federation of the Food and Drink Industries of the Czech Republic and Innoskart) will interview several companies located in the four pilot areas (Italy, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Hungary) and belonging to three food subsectors (meat, dairy, fruit and vegetables).

The focus of the interviews will be food packaging, in order to analyze the direct experience and critical issues that companies find on the subject. This study will enable the partners to examine the level of readiness of SMEs towards technology transfer solutions.

The presentation of the surveys’ results of these and the exchange of good practices on sustainable food packaging will be the object of the next event in November, to which companies will be able to attend for discussions and in-depth analysis of the topic.

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