Assessing Renovation Strategies: A Deep Dive into Central European Energy Policies

Date: 31.05.2024


The MESTRI project has undertaken a comprehensive analysis of current renovation strategies across Central Europe, aiming to assess the legislative and policy frameworks that shape energy transition and sustainability in the building sector. This analysis, conducted by regional partners in Austria, Croatia, Germany, Italy, and Poland, compares national policies to European frameworks, ensuring compatibility with the MESTRI System.

Diverse Legislative Landscapes

A key finding is that not all participating countries have developed long-term renovation strategies. In several regions, creating such strategies is not mandatory at either the national or regional level. Where strategies do exist, the primary goal is consistent: to save energy, implement energy efficiency measures, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Targets and Measures

Some countries have set specific renovation rates per year as target values, while others aim for extensive renovations by certain years. These strategies vary in focus, with some prioritizing cost-efficient individual measures and others emphasizing comprehensive renovation approaches. Both privately and publicly owned buildings are considered in these strategies.

Varied Approaches

The formulation of renovation strategies differs significantly among the participating countries. Some have developed detailed strategies with target scenarios and specific measures to achieve these goals. Others rely on legislative approaches to meet climate targets in the building sector. The level at which these strategies are created also varies, with most targets and measures set at the national level. However, some regions develop their own detailed strategies to address local needs.


The analysis highlights the diversity in legislative and policy approaches to building renovation across Central Europe. By understanding these differences and ensuring compatibility with the MESTRI System, the project aims to foster a more cohesive and effective approach to energy efficiency and sustainability in the building sector. This foundational work sets the stage for future developments in the Smart Data Hub and other MESTRI initiatives, driving forward the energy transition and supporting the creation of sustainable buildings across Europe.

Find the full documents of the analysis here.