Charting Path for Local Action Plan and Pilot Activities

Date: 11.06.2024
By: 3P4SSE

On June 11th, our partners, Fundacija Prizma / Foundation Prizma and RRA Podravje – Maribor, successfully completed a development workshop for preparing the local action plan to implement pilot activities for the 3P4SSE project. Held at the RRA Podravje – Maribor premises, the event brought together project partners and stakeholders to outline concrete steps for advancing the social economy in Podravje. Key highlights included the identification of challenges and opportunities in the Laboratory of Social Innovation, discussions on the role of users in designing SocioLab services, and the presentation of next steps and timelines for implementing pilot activities by March 2025. The workshop was highly productive, setting the stage for public-private partnerships and innovative business models to address complex social challenges in local communities. A special thank you to our partners and all participants for their active involvement and contributions to the workshop’s success.