Kick-off meeting in Dresden

CIREVALC Kick-off meeting in Dresden – Let’s get started!

Date: 10.05.2023
RKW Sachsen hosted the CIREVALC kick-off meeting on 8-10 May 2023 in Dresden. Opening with a warm welcome from Dirk Vogel, the event connect partners, introduce themselves through creative posters, and dive into a comprehensive overview of the 36-month project roadmap.

Mrs. Angelika van Es from the Joint Secretariat provided insights into the Interreg Central Programme rules, paving the way for a seamless journey. The lead partner introduced the project’s content, activities, deliverables, and outputs, followed by a discussion of each Work Package.

Day two focused on essential aspects of project management, financial reporting, and a Q&A session.

The lead partner closed the meeting with final words and expressed a wish for a successful joint partnership