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Common Metropolitan Vision: Empowering Metropolitan Governance

Date: 17.10.2024

Metropolitan areas are essential to Europe’s sustainable development, serving as hubs for innovation, economic growth, and social progress. However, their full potential often goes unrecognized and underutilized due to various organizational and procedural limitations. How can metropolitan governance be strengthened to foster overall prosperity and enhance quality of life? This is a central question addressed in the “Common Metropolitan Vision” document, which advocates for a stronger metropolitan role in European and national governance.

The Role of Metropolitan Strategies

Metropolitan strategies are crucial for identifying and addressing global and regional challenges while building green, inclusive, and productive metropolitan communities. Yet, their effectiveness is frequently hampered by barriers across local, national, and European governance levels. A key pathway to overcoming these obstacles and ensuring successful strategy implementation lies in fostering cooperation among governments and multiple stakeholders, including private businesses, NGOs, and citizen groups.

Emancipation and Recognition of Metropolitan Areas

Promoting inclusive and respectful cooperation among local governments, with active participation from citizens and businesses, is vital for achieving the shared goals outlined in metropolitan strategies. Despite fragmented local jurisdictions, cooperative governance fosters mutual trust and creates synergies that benefit all parties involved. Metropolitan areas that cultivate a clear vision, strategic planning, and robust cooperation are increasingly recognized by national governments and the European Union as key partners in strategic policy-making. This growing recognition enhances the prominence of metropolitan issues in media and public discourse, further solidifying metropolitan identity and significance.

Institutionalization and Legal Frameworks

To unlock the full potential of the metropolitan dimension, stronger competences and legal frameworks are essential. Establishing these frameworks will facilitate effective cooperation, planning, and management. Soft governance approaches, such as collaborative networks, joint initiatives, and informal partnerships, can raise awareness of metropolitan issues and pave the way for metropolitan institutionalization. Empowering metropolitan development requires securing adequate funding, stable resource allocation, and flexibility in resource management. These measures are critical to providing metropolitan areas with the capacity to align development with broader societal goals.

Expertise and Capacity Building

Metropolitan areas must balance global challenges with the specific demands of their unique contexts. Effective metropolitan governance relies on data-driven policies and realistic evaluations that reflect the diverse legal, political, economic, social, and environmental settings of these areas. Metropolitan expertise, underpinned by thorough analysis and evaluation, drives the advancement of the metropolitan dimension. This expertise thrives on the dynamic interplay of innovation, creativity, and diverse talents, enhancing technological progress and multilateral cooperation. Metropolitan cooperation reaches new levels through the exchange of knowledge and experiences across metropolitan areas and regions.


Empowering metropolitan governance is crucial for unlocking the full potential of metropolitan areas as engines of innovation, economic growth, and social development. Addressing the challenges that limit metropolitan governance, strengthening cooperation, establishing legal frameworks, and fostering expertise are essential steps in this process. Recognizing and institutionalizing metropolitan areas within national and European governance are key to ensuring their effective contribution to sustainable development. Through continued cooperation, knowledge exchange, and strategic planning, metropolitan areas will play an increasingly vital role in shaping a prosperous future for Europe.

This article is based on the MECOG-CE document “Common Metropolitan Vision,” developed by Charles University in collaboration with MECOG-CE project partners. Learn more about how the MECOG-CE consortium envisions the future of metropolitan areas. The full version is available here.