“Communicating the Bioeconomy” workshop was held in Italy

Date: 19.03.2024

The WEBINAR “Communicating the Bioeconomy” took place on 19/03/2024, as part of the BIOECO-UP project, financed through the INTERREG Europe Programme. In particular, the BIOECO-UP project aims to encourage the diffusion of the principles of the bioeconomy, which is one of the pillars on which the New Green Deal and all European policies aimed at achieving sustainability objectives are based.

The aim of the seminar was to explain the founding principles of the bioeconomy, through successful examples and practical applications that can be used in everyday life. In fact, 17 information brochures were presented on some relevant topics.

During the seminar some experts, coming from the world of research, industrial production and communication, talked about some of the themes illustrated in the brochures, to demonstrate how the application of the principles of bioeconomy can bring advantages not only for the environment, but also of our daily activities.

Four themes were chosen from those illustrated in the brochures:

– The preparation of bio-cosmetics from vegetable waste

– The valorisation of waste from the fishing industry and the problem of managing marine resources

– The valorisation of agricultural production waste for the preparation of bio-based paints

– The biodegradability of plastic and the role of the consumer in plastic recycling

The role of the prosumer has been discussed, the citizen who not only consumes bio-based products, but can also play an active role in the production, for his/her own use and consumption, of these products.

About 40 people, from younger to older generations, attended the seminar. At the end, several questions were asked to the participating experts, with a final debate that aroused great interest.

The complete video of the seminar, lasting 2 hours, will be viewable on the Youtube channel of the Department of Industrial Chemistry of the University of Bologna, and on the social channels of the BIOECO-UP project.

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