Croatia gains 9 new Design Sprint Facilitators. Two-Day Workshop by John Vetan

Date: 10.05.2024
This “train the trainer” event, aimed at upskilling professionals, was led by John Vetan from the Design Sprint Academy GmbH & Co. KG, Berlin, and brought together 14 enthusiastic participants eager to master the Design Sprint methodology.

The workshop was targeted at professionals involved in marketing, design, business analytics, project management, team leadership, programming, development engineering, or anyone looking to become a driving force in any business process. The limited spots ensured an intimate and focused training environment, with every participant getting ample attention and guidance.

Developed by Google Ventures engineers, a Design Sprint is a rapid, phased process designed to accelerate development and spark innovation within a business. It’s an intensive methodology that promotes user-centered thinking, fosters team vision, and speeds up product launches. This process allows teams to verify rather than guess whether they are on the right track before investing significant resources into development and market launch.

A facilitator guides a group towards achieving a result, similar to a football team manager. The role involves managing creative and business processes within teams, using the five phases of a Design Sprint. This training equipped participants with the skills to lead others to their goals—remarkable innovations and products. Essentially, they became the solution to every problem, the tow truck for those stuck in the process.

Beyond a potential new career path, being a Design Sprint Facilitator is one of the most sought-after skills on a resume. Major companies utilize this methodology, and it’s applicable across all fields. Wherever there’s a problem, there’s a need for a Design Sprint Facilitator.

The two-day training was designed to teach the tools and techniques of the Design Sprint, incorporating artificial intelligence for faster and better team results. It covered all steps of the process, from idea gathering to creating interactive prototypes and testing them with real users.

Workshop Inclusions:

Design Sprint Handbook (course content)

Activity worksheets

Necessary workshop materials


After successfully passing the theoretical online exam, participants received a Design Sprint Master certification – Level 1.Workshop Highlights

The participants experienced firsthand the power of a Design Sprint, simulating how customers would react to new products, services, or value propositions before making heavy investments. This practical approach provided invaluable insights and strategies.

During the workshop, John Vetan shared his extensive knowledge and facilitated hands-on activities that simulated real-world challenges. Participants learned how to:

  • Tackle complex challenges with no clear solution.
  • Collaborate effectively with diverse teams.
  • Identify and address unmet customer needs.
  • Unlock significant business potential by solving critical problems.

The workshop concluded with participants feeling empowered and equipped with new skills to drive innovation and business success. The feedback was overwhelmingly positive, highlighting the practical benefits and immediate applicability of the Design Sprint methodology.

In summary, the Design Sprint Training Facilitator workshop was a resounding success, providing participants with the knowledge and tools to become key drivers of innovation in their respective fields. The Faculty of Economics, Business, and Tourism & IRI Centar at the University of Split, along with John Vetan, delivered an exceptional learning experience that will have a lasting impact on all attendees.