Decarbonizing Public Buildings: A Pathway to a Sustainable Future

Date: 05.12.2024
On December 5th North West Croatia Regional Energy and Climate Agency (REGEA) team organised the 2nd round table with building owners and managers entitled “The path to a sustainable future through the decarbonization of public buildings” in Nikola Tesla Experience Centar, Karlovac.


The main discussion was about the decarbonization of public sector buildings so three very interesint panels were held on this topic:

– Panel I: EU projects in support of the transition towards climate neutral buildings

– Panel II: Road to decarbonisation of public sector buildings – technical aspects

– Panel III: Road to decarbonisation of public sector buildings – financial aspects


Given the urgency of combating climate change and the need to reduce energy consumption, this topic is particularly relevant for the Central European region. Discussion was focused on ways to increase investment flows into energy efficiency through better project preparation, alignment with regulatory frameworks, and the use of innovative financial instruments.


Discussed topics:

– presentation of the MESTRI-CE project and its main goals and acitvities

– promoting MESTRI-CE Hub

– Alignment with EU legislation and directives

– EU projects in support of the transition towards climate neutral buildings

– Decarbonisation of public sector buildings – technical aspects

– Decarbonisation of public sector buildings – financial aspects


Event Objectives:

– Raising awareness about the importance of energy renovation of buildings among key stakeholders

– Sharing knowledge and expoerience to achieve better alignment with sustainability standards.

– Connecting stakeholders to create favourable conditions for increasing investments in energy efficiency.


Best Practices:

– Analysis of successful energy renovation projects in the region.

– Lessions learned and recommendations for optimizing furture projects.