At the 62nd International Fair of Agriculture and Food in Gornja Radgona, a co-operative “Bela murva” for silk breeding was presented and silkworm cocoons were tested as cosmetic aids. The event highlighted the history of mulberry plantations and silkworm breeding in the region and showed the potential of silkworm cocoons as a biological resource for medical and cosmetic products. The participants, including farmers, craftsmen and potential users, engaged in fruitful discussions on the possibilities of cooperation between farmers, small manufacturers and other interested parties within the co-operative. The needs and expectations in developing a business model that would support them all were discussed. Participants were given silk cocoons to test at home and provided feedback on the use of these silk cocoons as cosmetic aids or the possibility of incorporating these products into their business. Despite some challenges in gathering feedback remotely, the initiative generated ideas for future partnerships and highlighted the growing potential of silkworm rearing. The event emphasised the environmental and economic benefits of reviving silk farming, especially in bioeconomy-oriented industries.

Developing a co-operative business model and testing silkworm products
Date: 25.10.2024